The Plant

Our facility is located within the United Kingdom and houses state-of-the-art pyrolysis equipment and technology renowned for its exceptional quality. Operating independently, this facility contributes to an annual reduction of 60,000 tonnes of CO2.


Unlike traditional pyrolysis plants, we’re able to contain excess stack emissions and recover more renewable products. The hydrocarbon by-product gas resulting from pyrolysis is utilised to keep the process self-sufficient. A combination of incondensable hydrocarbons and onsite solar generation will enable the facility to operate on an energy-neutral basis. All onsite operations will adhere to UK and EU legislation where appropriate.

The Process

The following outlines our complex process


Collecting Tyres

ELTR source End-of-Life tyres and they are delivered to the plant. These tyres would otherwise contribute to landfill waste or pose environmental risks due to their slow degradation and potential for releasing harmful substances into the surroundings.

Front End


The collected tyres are processed whereby the steel and fabric is seperated and removed from the tyre and a crumb is produced and sent to the core process



The collected tyres are subjected to high temperatures in the absence of oxygen, within a reactor. This prevents combustion and allows the tyres to break down through thermal decomposition. As the temperature increases, complex compounds in the tyres turn into simpler molecules like gases, liquids, and solid char. The vaporous components then move to the next chamber. There, these vapours undergo further changes, resulting in the separation of the material into two valuable products: rCB(recovered Carbon Black) and TPO (Tyre Pyrolysis Oil) fuel.

The TPO fuel is then prepared for shipping to customers who find it useful for various applications.

Back End


The rCB (recovered Carbon Black) enters the Back End process whereby it is milled and processed into pellet form - and then shipped to the end customer as a product.